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Wednesday, July 05, 2006
huiqing's back by popular demand!
hahaha. i think this blog is so dead?
i can see cobwebs? and maybe Skellig lives here? ok, so crap. my mind is filled with literature. all thanks to mrs koh? haha, her teaching rocks can! and sitting beside dorcas, that makes the whole lesson more interesting? OR MAYBE NOT. wahaha, i feel so lame nowwwww ): so yeah, i shall talk more about what's happening! be it school or what luh.

school has been fine :D i'm feeling better these days (: maybe cause things has changed? but i still don't look forward to school. haha, that's a fact that can never be changed [: oh well. so many things happened. for instance, i'm metally attracted to jin kiat?! HAHAHA. so gross huh? actually, not really metally lah. i just find him... attractive? charming? hot? uh, those adjectives surprisingly can link to jin kiat /: but that's just what i think of him, RIGHT NOW? gahhhhh, i'm mad, haha. i used to hate him a lot if i'm not wrong. for don't know what either. i think he talked too much last year and so.. i hated him for that? cause he always pisses me off. but not now? oh well. i'm talking so much crap. yeah, and everyday ever since i don't know when, i started chanting his name in class or whenever i feel high [: is that good or bad? hahah. and whenever i say something about him, xue ning will be disgusted, hah! if i were her, i think i'd react the same though. today, we had home econs. and i wrote his name like so many times on my container? anyway, it was just for fun. not that i like him or anything. but it would be quite hard to believe that i don't. aiya, nevermind. it's up to one to believe, cause i know my heart best [: that's all about jin kiat haha.

today's math test sucked! i don't know how to do so many questions? i think more than half the paper i anyhow did them? uh huh. i'm so dead. it's either i'd fail or just pass. haha, but i'm still betting with john, bertram and nathaniel :D though i know i will lose, but out of fun lah. if not, it's not exciting enough? hahha. i hate math now. math is so boring!

yeah, and Italy won Germany! just as i expected. hence, i think i can predict the future haha. soooooooooooooooo, France shall win the whole cup :D

ok, i need to go now [: still got tuition later ): BOOO. i wana quit tuition already lah. i've lost interest in it. wait, when did i ever like it? haha, NEVER? and i need to pay my own tuition fees today. cause i forgot to ask my parents last night ): nevermind. huiqing's damn rich :D

update another time!
miss me not.

contRAHst; 12:19 AM`

Wednesday, June 28, 2006
hmms.. these daes feel so tired of life..
hais.. nothing to do.. staying at home..
use the computer and stone all dae..
hmms.. its been a long long long time
since i posted in this acc.. hmms.. de LYETANFU
still stays united i guess.. hmms.. yeah..
well.. i can have a lot of ppl surrounding miie..
but still feel lonely at times.. well.. now..
LYE is at my house.. as well as kylie and charmaine..
hahas.. i dont think i will post here lerh..
i post on my own acc.. or else. i got nothing to sae....

singnin off : FU

contRAHst; 1:38 AM`

Friday, June 23, 2006
hey there! LYE here, again. yeah, sorry for not updating for the past few days. i just didn't had the mood to. and the hols are ending, in like 3 days? boooo ): remember everybody, DON'T CHIONG FOR YOUR HW NO MATTER WHAT! hah, cause i wana do well in term 3 lah. heh, so nice of me.

sigh, i have nothing to say anymore. i feel so SHI BAI ): eh, nevermind. i don't want this blog to be filled with my misery. so blog another time!

maybe only wanton can make me feel better..

contRAHst; 8:56 AM`

Tuesday, June 20, 2006
i shall let you know more about ME ME ME ((x {tan}

name (christian)(others)(chinese):
Danielle Tan Huai'En

14 July 1992

phone :
Nokia 6680

hair colour:
Black not under sunlight, little brown under sunlight

eye colour:

favourite type of gum:
grape flavour

favourite food:

favourtie drink:

Friends who's the most...

Hui Qing



most beautiful:




michelle chia

boyfriend/girlfriend's name:
dun have boyfriend. and definately no girlfriend

who was ur last bf/gf?:
marc ashley.

who have u had the biggest crush on?:
lols. ******* guesS (:


where does that special someone live?:
duno cause there's no special someone

things you like in the opposite sex:

when was your first kiss:
when i was born. mother kissed me

are you a virgin:
nono. im a nigriv

the most romantic thing anyone has done for you was:
he sent me home xP

which is more important- personality or looks?:

first boyfriend/girlfriend:
marc ashley.

Have you ever kissed more than 1 person in the same night:
yeah. my dad and my mom.

had sex with more than 1 person in the same night:
-.- dun want answer

got high:
no. duh no.

got drunk:
#1 not allowed to drink.
#2 getting drunk is the stupidest thing a person could ever do.

stole anything:
duh~ my mother's ear rings, my sisters pen/correction tape

done it with someone you're not going out with?

thought about doing it
this quiz is sick.

contRAHst; 1:29 PM`

Tan is doing a good job!
Hahaha. But no one is
tagging ): Blah, whatever

Lye's pissed. super pissed.
So I shall blog another day!

contRAHst; 4:07 AM`

Monday, June 19, 2006
TAN HERE (: do you miss me? i have been gone for 3 days. WHIIPEE~ and now im back.

i can tell LYE & FU confirm miss me de horhs. anyway the camp was super fun. kayak until our hands, shoulders and backs are aching. but the view was super nice especially when i saw malaysia. its was like so cool.

hais. a pity LYE didnt go. or else she would enjoy her time. never mind. we are gonna have another camp during december. and LYE, you must go. you are sure to enjoy it ~~

you see, i did post. im faithful to this blog and my blog. later im gonna post in my blog. hehehhehe i just have nothing to do. and i think my maple char die already. i just left it there lols. sure die xP

contRAHst; 4:11 PM`

Saturday, June 17, 2006

okay, i have a very important job now and that is to try my best to keep this blog alive? oh well, FU & TAN are away ): TAN at camp { damn, i feel so guilty for not going } and FU on her way to Shanghai? WTH. fine lor, pang seh me! hahaha. nevermind, i'm a very good blogger. i can blog everyday (: but the problem is whether anyone will even bother to read, lol.

so as you can see { read } the previous post, it's the history of our blog lah. how kewlxzxzxzx right? hahahaha. man, i miss typing twit with FU! HAHAHA, this is so out of point.

blah. actually i think TAN will only post 10% of the time while the rest would be me { LYE } & FU posting. why? TAN can't even manage her own blog well, how can she possibly blog often here?! BUT it's ok! :D cause she has very good and efficient and HIGH (?) FU & LYE here :D

soooo.. TAN will be back on sunday. and i'll persuade her to blog (: then FU will only be back when school reopen? ): aiyah, go read her blog for more details haha.

i'll be collecting my specs later! damn, i'm so excited to gain my vision back :D hmm. is this post long enough? cause i can't think of anything else to say /:

aiyah, i end here lah. blog another time!
don't miss me!
i mean don't miss the LYETANFU, cause we'd be right back (:
{ that sounded like disney channel, lol }

contRAHst; 1:04 AM`

Thursday, June 15, 2006
this blog is memorieable because it is created in
weizhengs house at 8.42pm on de date of 15 june 2006
which is a thursdae while we are watching singapore idol
wth weizheng hugging my new present from huiqing
which was bought from marina square minitoons and
sitting beside weizheng is huiqing holding on to a uniball [something] pen
stating [ recap after use] which cost 1.90 from popular shop
and we also have danielle sitting on de floor playing with stapler
and HADY just went into de next round of SINGAPORE IDOL
how interesting was our history of this blog agree???

typed by ; weizheng
ideas given by ; huiqing and danielle
[and this is our first post to how this blog came by] ((X

contRAHst; 5:45 AM`

name:weizheng ; danielle ; huiqing
b`day:15o5 ; 14o7 ; o4o3

hit counter

we the LYE TAN FU pledge ourself as one united
LYETANFU'S regardless of hights, weights and looks
to build a strong relationship base on truste and loyalty
so as to achieve happiness,crazziness and honour to

[x] amanda leong
[x] audrey
[x] benedict
[x] caleb
[x] cassandra
[x] cassandra o2
[x] charmaine
[x] cherie
[x] cheryl
[x] danielle
[x] emily
[x] fenny
[x] huiqing
[x] hui shi
[x] jacqueline
[x] jeannette
[x] jessie
[x] jeyun
[x] joanan
[x] joel loke
[x] johnson
[x] joy sim
[x] joylynn
[x] joyy
[x] julien
[x] june
[x] kylie
[x] li yan
[x] li zhen
[x] michelle choo
[x] michelle leong
[x] michelle tan
[x] miki
[x] nyuk
[x] ralene
[x] ryan
[x] sarah kwan
[x] vincent
[x] weizheng
[x] yan ling
[x] yelin
[x] yick ting
[x] ying ying
[x] yisheng
[x] zara
[x] zhijun
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